Best Cheese Platter For Mother’s Day (2024 Edition)

Indulge Mom’s palate with a divine selection of cheeses fit for a queen on Mother’s Day. From creamy classics to bold, artisanal delights, this curated cheese platter is a symphony of flavours, crafted to celebrate her special day in style.

SEE ALSO: How to craft the ultimate cheese platter (cheese selection and accompaniments) →

How to choose the best cheeses

The selection of cheeses for Mother’s Day is a thoughtful process, designed to delight Mom’s senses and cater to her discerning taste. Each cheese is chosen not only for its exceptional flavour profile but also for its ability to complement and contrast with the other offerings on the platter.

With our selection, we reach for a harmonious balance of textures by balancing soft and creamy with hard and crunchy. And we ensure that these not only tantalise the taste buds but also create an inviting display that reflects the elegance and sophistication of the occasion.

Ultimately, the rationale behind the cheese selection is to curate an unforgettable culinary experience that celebrates Mom’s special day with the perfect blend of flavours and textures.

The 5 best cheeses for a Mother’s Day cheese platter

1. La Tur (Triple cream soft cheese from Italy)

Soft creamy La Tur cheese for Mother's Day
Creamy La Tur – Basil & Bubbly – Source

Let’s start our Mother’s Day cheese plate with one of the most decadent soft cheeses in the world, La Tur. La Tur is an incredibly unctuous white bloomy mould cheese that originates from the Piemonte region of northern Italy. In Alta Langa, a local cheesemaker called Caseificio dell’Alta Langa makes this little gem with a mixture of three milks: cow, sheep and goat.

Thanks to its smooth, buttery texture and rich creamy flavour with a touch of earthiness, you have yourself a cheese that any Mom will love!

2. Selles-sur-Cher (Soft goat cheese from France)

Round of Selles sur Cher showing black and white wrinkly rind
Ash coated goat’s cheese – Stock Foods

Next, we have a soft goat’s milk cheese that comes from France’s Loire Valley. Selles-sur-Cher is a raw milk cheese made in the Cher Valley using local goat’s milk. The rich soil in the valley produces a sweet hay that influences the flavour of the local milk. As a result, this cheese develops a natural sweetness.

And, this sweetness makes Selles-sur-Char a great gateway cheese for even the uninitiated. Is Mom not a fan of goat’s cheeses? Trust me, this is the one that will win her over!

3. Gruyère (Semi-hard cheese from Switzerland)

6 month old Le Gruyère semi-hard cheese for Mac & Cheese
Le Gruyère – Cheese Atlas

Undoubtedly, Gruyère is Switzerland’s most famous cheese. This traditional pressed cooked cheese is made to this day using only raw cow’s milk by a select number of artisans. Overall, its maturation can last from 6 months to 24 months.

In fact, the older the Gruyère, the more pronounced its flavours are. Having said that, at any age, you can expect an explosion of flavour ranging from sweet and nutty to aromatic and brothy. Overall, this is the kind of cheese that will knock Mom’s socks off!

4. L’Amuse Signature Gouda (Hard cheese from the Netherlands)

Wheel of Gouda with orange rind
Matured Gouda – L’Amuse

The next cheese on our list is a matured, hard cheese from North Holland, Netherlands. L’Amuse Signature Gouda is a pressed uncooked cheese matured by Betty Koster at Fromagerie L’Amuse in IJmuiden.

Matured for 24 months, L’Amuse Signature Gouda has an incredible depth of flavour and a hard, crunchy texture that still melts in your mouth. Furthermore, its flavour palette includes notes of salted caramel and roasted hazelnuts. And, its bright orange paste is peppered with tiny crystals and melds crunch with a creamy mouthfeel.

5. Stilton (Blue cheese from the United Kingdom)

Crumbly blue Colston Bassett Stilton on Christmas platter - What happened to raw milk Stilton?
Colston Bassett Stilton – Cheese Atlas

Finally, round up the ultimate Mother’s Day cheese plate with what is undeniably the most popular blue cheese to come out of the United Kingdom. Stilton is a traditional cow’s milk blue cheese that is exclusively made by small dairies in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire.

Blue Stilton has a trademark buttery texture that will melt in your mouth. On the palate, it is full-bodied and has a mellow fruity and savoury complexity. This is definitely a blue cheese for a Mother who wants a little bit of adventure and excitement in her life.

Best accompaniments to pair with this cheese selection

Now that you know which cheeses to buy, let’s talk about accompaniments.

For the creamy richness of La Tur and Selles sur Cher, consider pairing with sliced fresh fruits such as ripe figs, juicy pears, or sweet grapes. These vibrant additions offer a refreshing contrast to the velvety texture of the cheese.

To complement the robust flavour of the Gruyère and Gouda, opt for savoury accompaniments such as cured meats like prosciutto or salami, along with an assortment of artisanal crackers or crusty bread.

Lastly, for the bold and tangy notes of the Stilton, balance its intensity with the natural sweetness of honey or fig jam, and add a crunch with toasted nuts like walnuts or almonds.

By thoughtfully selecting accompaniments that harmonise with each cheese variety, you elevate the tasting experience, creating a cheese platter that delights the senses and celebrates the art of gastronomy.

Give Mom the cheese she deserves

So, there you have our recommendations for the ultimate Mother’s Day cheese plate. Indeed, our five cheeses come from 5 different countries, and are made with 3 different milks. When selecting the cheeses, we aimed for the perfect balance of aroma, texture and flavour.

What cheeses will you be serving this Mother’s Day? Drop us a comment below.

Best Mother's Day Cheese Platter 2024 (Pinterest Pin)

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