What Type Of Cheese Is Boursin? (French Flavoured Cheese)

When it comes to indulgent and creamy cheeses, Boursin stands out as a true delight for the taste buds. Originating in France, this cheese has become a beloved staple in the world of gourmet dairy.  In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the creamy wonder that is Boursin Cheese, from its fascinating history to its various flavours, serving suggestions and more.

SEE ALSO: Our guide to the ultimate “guilty-pleasure” cheeses from around the world →

History and origins

Origins of Boursin

The story of Boursin begins in a small village in Normandy in 1957. François Boursin decides to take the plunge and creates a fresh cheese (fromage frais), without realising that his name will become globally known.  

In 1963, after two years of work, François Boursin develops a new recipe and officially launches his Boursin Ail & Fines Herbes (Garlic & Fine Herbs). 

Unsurprisingly, this recipe, inspired by the Normandy peasant tradition quickly becomes a staple in the French diet. 

Growing popularity of Boursin

In 1968, Boursin revolutionises the market for fresh cheese, after being the first cheese brand to be featured in a television commercial. 

Viewers discover a famous actor playing the role of an insomniac plagued by an irresistible craving for Boursin. The man gets out of bed in his pyjamas and rushes to the refrigerator, chanting “Du Boursin®, Du Boursin®…” eighteen times. 

Vintage newspaper ads showing woman eating cream cheese on a piece of bread and holding a glass of red wine

In 1972, the famous slogan “Du pain, du vin, du Boursin” (Bread, wine, Boursin) is a stroke of genius that leaves a lasting impression on several generations. The slogan is still etched in people’s memories. 

Acquisition and global markets

In 2007, Boursin was acquired by the multinational food company Groupe Bel, which helped further expand its distribution and availability worldwide. Of course, Groupe Bel also owns and operates some other famous French brands like La Vache Qui Rit, Babybel and Kiri. 

Over the years, Boursin has continued to introduce new flavours and variations, catering to different tastes and preferences. 

Today, Boursin is widely recognised and enjoyed globally, making it one of the most popular brands of flavoured cheese spreads in the world.  

What type of cheese is Boursin?

Boursin is a type of fresh cheese, specifically categorised as a soft cheese. It is based off a classic cow’s milk cheese from Normandy called Gournay and is enriched with cream during production.

Consequently, Boursin has a deliciously creamy texture and is often infused with various flavours, such as herbs, garlic, shallots, spices and more.  

Boursin Cheese is known for its spreadable consistency and mild, slightly tangy taste, which makes it a versatile choice for snacking, spreading on crackers or bread, and using in various culinary applications.  

It is typically sold in small, round portions and is a popular choice for cheeseboards and appetisers due to its creamy and flavourful nature. 

Varieties and flavours

Boursin Range

One of the most enticing aspects of Boursin is its variety of flavours. These include: 

  1. Garlic & Fine Herbs: The classic Boursin flavour, known for its creamy texture and the perfect balance of garlic and fresh herbs. It’s incredibly versatile and pairs well with almost anything.
  2. Shallot & Chive: This flavour adds a subtle sweetness from shallots and a mild oniony kick from chives, creating a creamy and aromatic cheese that’s perfect for spreading on crackers or bread.
  3. Black Pepper: If you’re a fan of a little heat, the Black Pepper Boursin is a delightful choice. The cracked black pepper adds a zesty punch to the creamy cheese.
  4. Trio of Nuts: This is easily the nuttiest of the Boursin range. The Trio of Nuts features pecans, cashews and walnuts.
  5. Fig & 3 Nuts: This flavour offers a sweet and tangy twist by adding figs to the trio of nuts.

Is Boursin Cheese healthy?

When it comes to Boursin’s nutritional aspects, there are a few considerations to keep in mind: 

Does Boursin contain gluten?

For individuals with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease, it’s important to note that Boursin is generally considered gluten-free. The primary ingredients in Boursin include milk, cream, cheese cultures, salt, and various flavourings.  

These ingredients are naturally gluten-free. However, if you have severe gluten allergies, it’s advisable to check the label for any potential cross-contamination risks in the manufacturing process.  

Moreover, look out for any gluten-containing flavourings that might be present in specific Boursin flavours (though this is less common). 

Lactose content in Boursin

Boursin, like most dairy products, contains lactose. However, the lactose content in Boursin may be lower than in some other dairy products due to the fermentation process that transforms lactose into lactic acid.  

Many people with mild lactose intolerance may tolerate small amounts of cream cheese like Boursin. However, individual tolerance levels can vary.  

If you have lactose intolerance, consider trying a small amount of Boursin to see how your body reacts or opt for lactose-free alternatives. 

Can you eat Boursin Cheese when pregnant?

Pregnant women can generally enjoy Boursin in moderation. However, there are a few things to be aware of. Boursin is made from pasteurised milk, which reduces the risk of harmful bacteria like Listeria.

Additionally, some Boursin flavours contain herbs or spices that pregnant women might want to consume in moderation. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional for personalised dietary recommendations during pregnancy.

In conclusion, Boursin can be a tasty addition to your diet, but like any food, moderation is key, and individual dietary restrictions or sensitivities should be considered.

As with any dietary concerns, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalised guidance based on your specific needs and health status.

You can read our complete analysis of the nutrition facts of Boursin here.

Pairing and serving suggestions

Appetisers topped with cream cheese and other ingredients

Boursin Cheese’s versatility makes it a delightful addition to various culinary experiences. Here are some serving suggestions to help you enjoy the creamy goodness of Boursin: 

Cheese board

Create an enticing cheese board by pairing different flavours of Boursin with a variety of crackers, fresh fruits and nuts. The creamy texture and flavourful profiles of Boursin complement an array of accompaniments. 


Spread Boursin on baguette slices to make bite-sized appetisers that are perfect for gatherings and parties. 

Sandwiches and wraps

Elevate your sandwiches and wraps by spreading Boursin Cheese as a flavourful spread. It pairs exceptionally well with deli meats, smoked salmon or grilled vegetables. 

Salad dressings

Make creamy and herb-infused salad dressings by mixing Boursin with a touch of olive oil, vinegar and your favourite seasonings. Drizzle it over salads for an extra layer of flavour. 

Sides and dips

Finally, use Boursin as a dipping sauce for fresh vegetables, pretzels or as a delicious topping for baked potatoes. It can also be a tasty addition to mashed potatoes or grain-based side dishes. 

With these serving suggestions, you can explore the versatility of Boursin and delight in its creamy, tasty goodness in a variety of culinary contexts.  

Whether you’re hosting a gathering, preparing a quick snack, or experimenting with creative dishes, Boursin can elevate your culinary experiences. 

Best recipes using Boursin

Boursin-Stuffed Chicken Breast

Beyond its role as a spread or dip, Boursin excels in the kitchen. Try mixing it into scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes or even as a creamy pizza base.  

The possibilities are limited only by your imagination, but you can start with one of these three. 

1. Boursin-Stuffed Chicken Breast

Indulge in a gourmet dining experience with Boursin-Stuffed Chicken Breast.  

This recipe elevates ordinary chicken into a mouth-watering masterpiece. Each boneless, skinless chicken breast is carefully filled with creamy Boursin Cheese and fresh spinach, resulting in a succulent and flavourful dish.  

Searing the chicken to a golden brown before baking locks in the juices. And when you cut into it, you’ll discover a luscious, melted Boursin surprise. This dish is perfect for a special dinner at home. 

2. Boursin and Bacon Pasta

Indulge in a comforting and flavourful pasta dish with Boursin and Bacon Pasta.  

Cook your favourite pasta according to package instructions and toss it with a creamy sauce made by melting Boursin into thickened cream or milk. Add crispy bacon bits and garnish with fresh herbs like chives or parsley.  

The result is a rich and creamy pasta dish with the smoky goodness of bacon and the luxurious texture of Boursin. Without a doubt, this is the ultimate comfort food for cheese and pasta lovers. 

3. Boursin and Herb Stuffed Mushrooms

Elevate your appetiser game with these Boursin and Herb Stuffed Mushrooms. Hollowed-out mushroom caps are generously filled with a mixture of Boursin, fresh aromatic herbs, and crispy breadcrumbs.  

As they bake, the mushrooms absorb the creamy, herby goodness of the Boursin, creating a harmonious blend of textures and flavours. Each bite offers a delightful crunch from the breadcrumbs, the earthy taste of mushrooms, and the rich, creamy essence of Boursin Cheese.  

Undoubtedly, these stuffed mushrooms make for an elegant and irresistible appetiser at any gathering. 

How to store Boursin

Like all cheeses, Boursin deserves proper care to maintain its freshness and taste. Here are some essential guidelines on how to store Boursin: 

Refrigeration is key

Boursin is a dairy product and should be stored in the refrigerator at all times. The cool and consistent temperature of the fridge helps preserve its freshness and prevents the growth of harmful bacteria. 

Keep it sealed

Once you’ve opened the Boursin package, reseal it tightly. If the original packaging is not resealable, transfer the cheese to an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. This helps prevent the cheese from drying out and absorbing odours from other foods in the refrigerator. 

Avoid cross-contamination

Store Boursin Cheese away from strong-smelling foods in the refrigerator. Cheese easily absorbs odours, so it’s best to keep it in a separate compartment or drawer. 

Consume promptly

Boursin is freshest when consumed within its recommended shelf life, which is usually indicated on the packaging. While it may remain safe to eat for a short period after this date, for the best taste and quality, it’s advisable to enjoy it within the suggested timeframe. 

Can you freeze Boursin Cheese?

Boursin Cheese is not ideal for freezing. The creamy texture may change, becoming crumbly or grainy, and the flavours can be altered. Freezing is not recommended if you want to preserve the original quality of the cheese. 

You can read our complete article on why you shouldn’t freeze cheese by clicking here


In the world of gourmet cheeses, Boursin is a star that shines brightly. Its creamy texture and versatile flavours make it a favourite among cheese lovers.  

Whether you’re enjoying it on a casual evening with friends or incorporating it into a special recipe, Boursin adds a touch of luxury to any culinary experience. 

Don’t hesitate to explore its various flavours, get creative in the kitchen and share your love for this creamy delight with friends and family. Boursin is more than just a dairy product; it’s a symbol of indulgence and culinary craftsmanship. 

If you have any favourite Boursin recipes or serving suggestions, we’d love to hear about them in the comments below. For more culinary inspiration and gourmet cheese recommendations, stay tuned to our blog. 

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