23 Best Cheese Memes On The Internet (With Explanations)

Whether you love them or not, memes are here to stay. So, why not embrace this cultural phenomenon and have some fun. Read on for our best cheese memes on the internet. The key to a great meme is that it should be short, witty, relatable, and unique. We believe that the 21 on our list have truly hit the mark!

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1. The Art of Seduction

The Art of Seduction Meme

“Wanna have some cheese?”. This has got to be the greatest pickup line of all time! But what if I told you that you can wear this on your shirt?

2. Fresh Willem Dafoe vs Lighthouse Willem Dafoe

Fresh Willem Dafoe vs Lighthouse Willem Dafoe
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

More mature is not always better right? Just like movie legend Willem Dafoe, we believe that Comté is fresher (and better) at 12 months than 36 months.

3. It’s all a matter of perspective

Best Cheese Memes the scariest thing on earth
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

The stuff of nightmares!

“The Scariest Things on Earth” meme is a great one to start with as it gives you some insight as to how important cheese is to us.

4. The French accent

I Love Your Accent Say It Again cheese meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Oh Brillat-Savarin! Is there anything sexier than French cheese names?

The “I Love Your Accent” meme works exceptionally well with this decadent French triple cream cheese.

5. Just shut up!

Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Shut up brain! You are wrong!

Because there is no such thing as too much cheese.

6. Lorenzo takes cheese seriously

Lorenzo Pushing Child because he does not like cheese
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Refer to #1 if you think this is an over-reaction. We have to side with Lorenzo in this case.

7. The 4 stages of eating cheese

4 Stages of Eating Cheese 21 Best Cheese Memes On The Internet
Credit: Find Chaffy

This meme from Find Chaffy embodies Christmas and the holiday season. What would Christmas day be without an over indulgence of cheese?

And, surely, there is no such thing as eating too much cheese right? Refer to #3!

8. Most cheeses are lactose free

Small Brain Man Shouting at Big Brain Man about lactose free cheese
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

The formula to a great cheese meme is that it must educate and entertain. Being lactose intolerant does not mean a life sentence without cheese. You can read more about lactose free cheeses here.

9. Cheese is available

Cheese is available comic strip
Credit: smbc-comics.com

Oh those three little words… This meme truly nails the fact that “Human Loves Cheese” is the greatest love story of all time. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal know their way around a great comic strip. And this is certainly one of their best!

10. I’m sorry but you’re wrong

I'm Sorry But You're Wrong Cheese Meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

If you’ve made it this far into our best cheese memes list, you must agree with me on this one. We can never talk too much about cheese.

11. A mountain of Parmesan

There Are Two Types Of People cheese meme
Credit: Kayden Hines

Which one are you? Personally, even #2 is not enough Parmigiano Reggiano for me! This very popular meme brings up the very important topic of cheese to food ratio. 

12. I’m so proud of you, Stilton!

Naming Your Child After Your favourite cheese meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

How many girls were named Daenerys or Khaleesi before the end of Game of Thrones? Too many! How much regret do their parents now have to live with? Too much. Name you child after your favourite cheese and you’re safe for life. I’m so proud of you Stilton!

13. Human!

Say Human Cheese Meme 21 Best Cheese Memes On The Internet
Credit: Meme Center

This cheese meme is an absolute classic. And the logic is sound. Human says cheese. Therefore, cheese must say human. As an added bonus, how awesome does that log of Chèvre look?

14. Happiness is cheese

Happiness is cheese meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

OK, we’ve covered educational and entertaining already. Time for something very wholesome now. Happiness really is cheese. Why would you need fancy clothes, cars and homes when you can have amazing cheese.

15. The effect of cheese

Mug Shots Meme Sad man smiles After Cheese
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Whilst cocaine, alcohol and crack have been ruining lives, cheese has been saving lives since medieval times. The evidence is rock solid and laid out in this popular “Addicts: Before and After” meme.

16. Bread to cheese ratio

There is no such thing as too much cheese meme
Credit: Meme Center

Whether you’re making pasta (refer to #9) or a grilled cheese sandwich, ratio is everything. Is 100000:1 too much cheese? I don’t think so.

17. What scares you the most?

Halloween cheese meme scary kid
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Dylan is a scary kid. We can’t deny that. This Halloween-themed cheesy meme will be making an appearance in October every year we think! But, he is actually onto something here. It is a pretty terrifying thought that we will die before we can try every single type of cheese on Earth.

18. Sad James Van Der Beek

Sad James Vanderbeek cheese meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

“1990’s Problems” has got to be one of the greatest memes of all time. Sad James Van Der Beek/Dawson is clearly devastated that he is out of cheese.

19. Peter ate all the cheese

Tell Me The Truth Im Ready To Hear It 21 Best Cheese Memes On The Internet
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Oh no! M.J. was definitely not ready to hear this. How could you Peter Parker?! How good are those Tobey Maguire memes though?

20. Disappointed cheese lover

Credit: The Cheese Scientist

“Disappointed Cricket Fan” has got to be one of the most versatile memes of the year. In this version, the guy takes cheese cross-contamination very seriously. And so he should!

21. Boromir grates and eats!

Boromir One simply does not Meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Oh Boromir! Gone too soon. But what a meme legacy you’ve left us. Replacing Mordor in this popular meme with grating cheese is an absolute stroke of genius!

22. New Year’s resolutions

I Know He Ate A Cheese Meme
Credit: The Cheese Scientist

Getting into shape is one of the most common new year’s resolutions. But doing it Jerry’s way is surely so much more fun right? Unsurprisingly, this meme keeps popping up in early January every year.

23. The Garden of Edam

Snake with cow's head tempting Eve with cheese 21 Best Cheese Memes On The Internet
Credit: Bizarro Comics

There is so much to love about this meme from Bizarro. Firstly, La Vache Qui Rit (Laughing Cow) makes an appearance as a devious snake. Then, it nails the cheesy pun with “The Garden of Edam”.

So there you have our best cheese memes on the internet

We hope that you enjoyed our 23 Best Cheese Memes On The Internet. Did we miss any of your favourites? Drop us a comment below.

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