Is Gouda Cheese Lactose Free? (Based on Laboratory Testing)

Hello, food enthusiasts! Today, we delve into the intriguing world of cheese to explore the question that has been on the minds of many lactose intolerant individuals: Is Gouda cheese lactose free? Join me on this delectable journey as we uncover the truth behind this renowned cheese and its compatibility with lactose intolerance. 

Gouda Lactose Free

SEE ALSO: Our complete guide to lactose and lactose-free cheeses → 

Lactose and lactose intolerance

Before delving into the specifics of Gouda, let’s briefly discuss lactose and lactose intolerance. 

Lactose is a carbohydrate (sugar) that occurs naturally in milk. Actually, a small percentage of humans don’t produce a substance (enzyme) called lactase. And the role of lactase is to break down the lactose we consume into a form that our body can digest.

Consequently, people who can’t produce lactase are said to be lactose intolerant. The symptoms of this intolerance can include loose bowel motions, wind and a general feeling of being bloated and uneasy.

Statistically speaking, people who are lactose intolerant start to show symptoms of discomfort when they consume more than 12g of lactose. Therefore, a glass of milk is often within the limits of what their body can handle.

You can read our complete blog post on lactose intolerance here

What is Gouda?

Stacks of orange Gouda cheese wheels at a market in the Netherlands

Originating from the Netherlands, Gouda holds a prominent position in the world of European cheeses. It is a semi-hard cheese renowned for its smooth texture and distinctive, slightly nutty flavour. Gouda cheese is traditionally made from cow’s milk, although variations with sheep or goat milk are also available. 

The production process of Gouda cheese involves several key steps. First, the milk is pasteurised and curdled using the addition of rennet. The curds are then cut and heated to separate the whey.

Afterward, the curds are pressed into moulds and aged for varying durations, resulting in a range of flavours and textures. The final product boasts a smooth, creamy consistency that captivates the taste buds of cheese connoisseurs. And some versions of Gouda also present with tiny eyes throughout their paste

How much lactose is in Gouda?

When it comes to lactose content, Gouda cheese falls into the category of low-lactose cheeses. During the cheesemaking process, the lactose present in the milk undergoes fermentation, which converts a significant portion of it into lactic acid.

This natural fermentation process reduces the lactose content, making Gouda cheese more tolerable for individuals with lactose intolerance.

It is worth noting that the lactose content may still vary among different types and brands of Gouda cheese. However, on average, Gouda cheese typically contains less than 1 mg of lactose per 100 g.

You can find our entire database of lactose content in cheese here.

Can lactose intolerant people eat Gouda?

The good news for cheese lovers who are lactose intolerant is that Gouda is often well-suited for their dietary needs. Due to its low lactose content, many individuals with lactose intolerance can enjoy this classic Dutch cheese without experiencing adverse digestive symptoms. 

However, it is essential to remember that lactose tolerance can vary from person to person. Some individuals with lactose intolerance may still experience discomfort or symptoms when consuming Gouda cheese, albeit to a lesser extent compared to higher-lactose dairy products.  

Therefore, it is advisable for those with lactose intolerance to experiment and assess their personal tolerance levels before incorporating Gouda cheese into their diets. 


Gouda Can Eat if Lactose Intolerant

In conclusion, Gouda cheese, with its rich history and distinctive characteristics, offers a delicious option for individuals with lactose intolerance. Its low lactose content, achieved through the fermentation process during production, makes it a more viable choice for those seeking to indulge in the world of cheeses.  

Nevertheless, it is crucial to remember that individual tolerance levels may vary, and it is always wise to listen to your body’s response. So, go ahead and savour the delightful flavours of Gouda cheese, knowing that it may be a lactose-friendly treat for your palate. 

Are you lactose intolerant? We’d love to hear about your experience with Gouda cheese. Leave us a comment below. 

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