Jonah: Hipster & Cheese Wanker

Meet Jonah, one of the co-founders of The Cheese Scientist.

Jonah Hipster & Cheese Wanker

Established in 2020

My name is Jonah and I’m the co-founder of The Cheese Scientist with my life partner and partner in crime, Sabine. 

From a very young age, I have been obsessed with cheese. When other kids were dreaming of candy shops or toy shops, I would dream of being in a cheese shop and being surrounded by all things cheese.

From Mauritius to Melbourne, Australia

Aerial shot of Le Morne Brabant in Mauritius

I grew up in Mauritius surrounded by breathtaking nature and Francophone culture. From French cheese to French patisserie and French television.

When I moved to Australia in the early 2000’s, I discovered a whole new way of life. It was amazing being surrounded by so many like-minded people who were championing a sustainable lifestyle.

The hipster way of life instantly drew me in and made me question how I was living my own life.

A pharmacist by training

In 2002, I moved to Melbourne, Australia to study my Bachelor of Pharmacy at Monash University. Fast forward to today and I am still a registered pharmacist.

But The Cheese Scientist is my true passion and really brings together everything I love.

Cheese, science and sustainability.

A cheese lover first

In my time in Melbourne, my love of cheese has seen me go on all sorts of adventures. During those adventures, I have met a large number of inspiring cheesemongers and cheesemakers.

Through those connections, I was able to learn a lot about the incredible young artisanal cheese scene here.

Also, I was able to amass a wealth of knowledge regarding cheese is general. How to make it. How to store it. When to eat it. How to eat it.

The science of cheese

lactose molecular structure

Obviously, the best thing about cheese is that it is delicious. But, the science behind cheese making has always fascinated me.

Very soon, the science geek in me got very curious. Actually, I start digging around the internet looking for the answers to all the scientific questions that were dogging me.

Why does mozzarella stretch the way it does? What cheeses can you eat during pregnancy, and why? What cheeses are lactose free?

Thank you Pat

This journey lead me to discover Pat Polowski and his amazing Cheese Science Toolkit.

And, even though we never met, Pat Polowski has been my inspiration from day one for our Cheese Science blog posts.

As well as Cheese Science, our fast growing website is also home to Cheese Rants, Cheese Life and Cheese Truths blog sections. You can access all of our archives through the navigation menu at the top.

A store for cheese lovers

Sabine and I have had the opportunity to visit a number of amazing specialty cheese shops in Melbourne and around the world. But we were yet to find a store that brings together everything that revolves around cheese. 

So, this brings us to the most exciting part of The Cheese Scientist project. Our cheese merch store.

Currently, our online shop includes T-Shirts, Sweaters, Grocery Bags and Mugs. All designed by my partner in crime, and fellow cheese lover, Sabine.

Hi, my name is Jonah and I am a Cheese Wanker

Thank you for reading my story. Now you know how I completed my transformation from science geek to Jonah The Cheese Scientist.

Connect with Jonah & Sabine on our socials

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