10 Best Cheeses For A Grilled Cheese Sandwich (With Top Tips)

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are a staple in American cuisine, a warm and toasty sandwich that can be whipped up in minutes with simple ingredients. Despite its simplicity, a perfectly made Grilled Cheese can be a thing of beauty, with gooey cheese oozing out between perfectly toasted bread. In this post, we’ll take a closer look the best cheeses for a Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

SEE ALSO: The all-important differences between a Grilled Cheese Sandwich and a Melt Sandwich → 

What is a Grilled Cheese Sandwich?

Sliced of a Grilled Cheese Sandwich on a plate oozing melted cheese

A Grilled Cheese is a sandwich containing with melted cheese and toasted bread. Typically, you would make this American classic using white bread, though other types of bread can be used. And you spread butter on the outside of the bread to create a crispy, golden-brown crust. Moreover, you have to melt the cheese between the slices of bread, creating a hot and gooey centre. 

How do you make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich?

To make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich, you’ll need bread, cheese and butter. Here are the simple steps you will have to follow: 

  1. Preheat a skillet over medium heat. 
  2. Spread butter on one side of each slice of bread. 
  3. Place one slice of bread, butter side down, in the skillet. 
  4. Add cheese to the top of the bread. 
  5. Place the second slice of bread on top of the cheese, with the buttered side facing up. 
  6. Cook the sandwich for 2-3 minutes on each side, until the bread is toasted and the cheese is melted. 

Grilled Cheese vs Melt

Grilled Cheese vs Melt

Without a doubt, one of the most hotly debated topics in American “gastronomy” is Grilled Cheese vs Melt. While both sandwiches contain cheese, the difference lies in the bread and choice of ingredients. You can read more about the Grilled Cheese Sandwich and how it differs from a Melt by clicking here. 

The 10 best cheeses for a Grilled Cheese Sandwich

The cheese you choose for your Grilled Cheese Sandwich can make all the difference. Here are ten of the best cheeses to use: 

1. Cheddar

Block of Cheddar cheese being sliced on wooden board

Cheddar is one of the world’s most popular cheeses, and it’s made from cow’s milk. As a matter of fact, this cheese has a long history dating back to the 12th century in Somerset, England. While you can buy this pressed cheese at different ages, you will want to select a mild Cheddar for the best cheese pull here. 

2. American Cheese

Slices of American Cheese on paper

American Cheese is a processed cheese that’s made by blending Cheddar, Colby and other cheeses. Overall, this cheese is creamy and smooth, with a mild flavour that’s popular for melting. As a result, it is a popular addition to sandwiches, Cheese Burgers and Nachos

3. Deli Swiss Cheese

Deli Swiss Cheese

Deli Swiss Cheese, also known as Emmental, is a semi-hard cheese that originated in Switzerland. It has a distinctive flavour that’s nutty and sweet, with large holes throughout. Moreover, this holey cheese is a popular addition to sandwiches and Swiss Fondue.

4. Gouda

Serving Gouda

Gouda is a pressed cheese that’s named after the Dutch city of Gouda. This cow’s milk cheese has a mild, slightly sweet flavour and a creamy texture. Also, it comes in a range of ages, from young and mild to aged and nutty. For your Grilled Cheese, you can use either type of cheese, depending on the flavour profile you’re seeking. 

5. Havarti

Slices of Havarti Danish Cheese with tiny holes

Next, we have Havarti, a semi-soft cheese that originated in Denmark. Over time, its popularity has reached well beyond Scandinavia. And its mild flavour and buttery texture might be the main reasons for this. Unsurprisingly, this accessible cheese is a popular addition for sandwiches and as a topping for crackers. 

6. Provolone

Provolone might just be Italy’s most underrated cheese. This aged pasta filata comes in a range of sizes, shapes and ages. For your sandwich, you will want to choose a young cheese called Provolone Dolce. The higher moisture content in this version will give you a gorgeous oozy texture.  

7. Colby

Wedge of orange Colby

Colby is a semi-hard cheese that’s named after the Wisconsin town where it was first produced. While Colby is similar to Cheddar in texture and flavour, slightly milder and sweeter. 

8. Monterey Jack

Block of Monterey Jack semi-soft cheese sliced on a wooden board

The final American cheese on our list might just be the best one. Monterey Jack is a semi-hard cheese that was originally produced in California. Overall, it has a mild, slightly nutty flavour and a smooth, creamy texture. As a result, this cheese is a very popular ingredient in Tex-Mexican cuisine and is a great option for Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Cheese Burgers and Nachos. 

9. Gruyère

6 month old Le Gruyère semi-hard cheese for Mac & Cheese

Gruyère is a pressed cooked cheese that’s named after the Swiss town of Gruyères. It has a nutty, slightly sweet flavour and a firm, dense texture. Due to this, the Swiss and the French often use Gruyère in dishes like Fondue and Quiche Lorraine. Without a doubt, this pressed cooked cheese will add a level of sophistication to your Grilled Cheese. 

10. Stilton

Slices of Stilton blue cheese

Finally, we end our list with a stellar blue cheese. Stilton is a blue cheese that’s named after the English village of Stilton. It has a strong, tangy flavour and a crumbly, creamy texture. As such, it’s often used in salads, on cheeseboards and as a topping for crackers.  

Using Stilton in a Grilled Cheese might not be to everyone’s liking. But the blue cheese fanatic in me could not make a top 10 list without including at least one blue. If you want to add a bit of spice to your Grilled Cheese, this is the ingredient you need! 

Grilled Cheese Sandwich FAQs

Let’s finish up this post with my top tips for making the best Grilled Cheese Sandwich ever!

Q: What type of bread is best for a grilled cheese sandwich?

A: While white bread is a classic choice, other types such as sourdough, whole wheat, rye, and ciabatta can add unique flavors and textures to your grilled cheese. 

Q: How do I get the perfect golden-brown crust on my grilled cheese? 

A: Ensure you spread an even layer of butter or mayonnaise on the outside of the bread before grilling. Cooking on medium heat allows the bread to toast slowly and evenly without burning. 

Q: What can I add to my grilled cheese to make it more flavourful? 

A: You can add ingredients like tomatoes, bacon, caramelized onions, avocado, pickles, or herbs like basil and thyme. These additions can enhance the flavor and texture of your sandwich. 

But tread carefully. With those extra ingredients, what you’re making is now called a Cheese Melt, not a Grilled Cheese Sandwich!! 

Q: Can I use a sandwich maker or panini press for a grilled cheese? 

A: Yes, a sandwich maker or panini press can be used to make a grilled cheese. It can create a nicely pressed and evenly cooked sandwich with minimal effort. 

Q: How can I keep the cheese from oozing out while cooking? 

A: Use a moderate amount of cheese and ensure it is evenly distributed. Press the edges of the bread together slightly to help seal the cheese inside. 

Q: Is there a way to make a healthier grilled cheese sandwich? 

A: Use whole grain or whole wheat bread, opt for a lighter spread like olive oil instead of butter, and use low-fat cheese or smaller amounts of full-fat cheese.  

Adding vegetables like spinach or tomatoes can also make it healthier. But once again, you’ll be venturing into Cheese Melt territory with those ingredients. 

Q: How do I get the cheese to melt evenly? 

A: Grate the cheese instead of using slices for quicker and more even melting. Cooking on a lower heat allows the cheese to melt thoroughly before the bread burns. 

Bonus tip: Take your block of cheese out of the fridge and grate it immediately. But let the grated cheese get to room temperature (at least 30 minutes) before you start making your sandwich. 

Q: Can I use more than one cheese to make my grilled cheese sandwich? 

A: Of course you can! As a matter of fact, you SHOULD use more than one cheese. 

Some popular combinations include Cheddar and Gruyère, Provolone and Stilton, or American cheese with a bit of Monterey Jack. Without a doubt, mixing cheeses can provide a balance of flavours and a perfect melt. 


In conclusion, crafting the perfect Grilled Cheese Sandwich is an art, and the choice of cheese plays a pivotal role in achieving that crispy, gooey and utterly satisfying result.

By exploring a variety of cheeses, you can elevate your grilled cheese experience to new heights. Whether you prefer a traditional, comforting flavour or something adventurous and unique, there’s a cheese out there waiting to transform your Grilled Cheese Sandwich into a culinary masterpiece.

So, let your taste buds guide you, experiment with different combinations, and savour the delightful journey of creating the ultimate grilled cheese delight.

What’s your favourite cheese or combination of cheeses for a Grilled Cheese? Let me know in the comments.

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