15 Best Cheeses For French Onion Soup (Classic & Unorthodox) 

Picture this: a steaming bowl of French Onion Soup, rich with caramelised onions and savoury broth. But hold on, we’re missing a crucial element – the gooey, melty magic of cheese! Today, we embark on a cheesy journey, exploring the best cheeses for French Onion Soup.

15 Best Cheeses For French Onion Soup (Traditional & Unorthodox)

SEE ALSO: The ultimate list of the most iconic cheesy dishes from all around the world →

What is French Onion Soup?

The classic French Soupe à l’Oignon is no ordinary bowl of warmth; it’s a symphony of flavours dancing together in savoury elegance. Imagine this: a medley of caramelised onions, slow-cooked to golden perfection, releasing their sweet, earthy aroma. As they simmer in a rich, hearty broth, their natural sugars transform into a deep, soul-warming sweetness.

The broth, a culinary alchemist’s creation, is a blend of savoury perfection. It’s not just a backdrop; it’s a co-star in this gastronomic performance. Indeed,  the harmonious marriage of broth and onions creates a liquid masterpiece that’s both comforting and sophisticated.

And let’s not forget the textures – the soft, yielding onions, the hearty broth, and the toasted bread that soak up the liquid symphony, becoming delicious sponges of delight. Every spoonful is an exploration, a journey through layers of taste and sensation.

What ingredients do you need to make French Onion Soup?

Creating a soul-warming bowl of French Onion Soup requires a thoughtful selection of ingredients. Here’s a rundown of the essential components you will need: 

Onions (yellow or sweet)

The heart of the dish lies in the onions. Choose yellow or sweet varieties, thinly sliced to caramelise into a rich, golden sweetness that forms the base of your soup.

Butter and olive oil

For the perfect caramelisation, a blend of butter and olive oil does wonders. This dynamic duo imparts a rich flavour and ensures your onions achieve that melt-in-the-mouth perfection.

Beef broth

To infuse depth and umami goodness, a robust beef broth is key. Homemade or store-bought, choose a quality broth to lay the foundation for the soup’s comforting nature.

White wine

For a touch of sophistication, a splash of white wine adds complexity to the broth. It balances the sweetness of the onions and elevates the overall taste profile.

Fresh thyme and bay leaves

These aromatic herbs contribute to the soup’s fragrant bouquet. A handful of fresh thyme and a couple of bay leaves infuse the broth with herbal notes, enhancing the overall experience.

Salt and pepper

Of course, seasoning provides the finishing touch to any good soup. Add salt and pepper to taste, ensuring a perfect balance that enhances the flavours without overpowering the delicate nuances of the dish.

Baguette slices

No French Onion Soup is complete without the iconic topping of baguette slices. Toasted to golden perfection, these add a delightful crunch to contrast the velvety texture of the soup.

Cheese(s) of your choice

Last but certainly not least, the star of the show – cheese. There are some classic choices (keep reading), but feel free to experiment with your favourite melt-worthy cheeses for that indulgent, gooey finish.

Gather these ingredients, and with a dash of culinary flair, you’ll be on your way to crafting a bowl of French Onion Soup that promises warmth, comfort, and a symphony of flavours.

How to make French Onion Soup?

Enjoy this quick and satisfying recipe, bringing the classic French Onion Soup experience to your table!

1. Caramelise the onions

In a large pot, melt butter and olive oil over medium heat.

Add thinly sliced onions and cook until golden brown and caramelised, stirring occasionally (approximately 15-20 minutes).

2. Add white wine and broth

Pour in white wine to deglaze the pot, scraping up any tasty bits.

Add beef broth, fresh thyme, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Bring to a simmer and let it cook for an additional 10-15 minutes.

3. Prepare the baguette

While the soup simmers, preheat your oven’s broiler. Toast baguette slices until golden on both sides.

4. Assemble and add cheese

Remove thyme sprigs and bay leaves from the soup. Ladle the soup into oven-safe bowls. Place a toasted baguette slice on top.

Sprinkle a generous amount of shredded cheese over the bread.

5. Broil until gooey and golden

Place the bowls under the broiler until the cheese is melted and golden brown, creating that irresistible gooey top.

6. Serve hot

Carefully remove the bowls from the oven (they will be hot!) and let them cool slightly.

Serve the French Onion Soup hot!

Why is cheese an essential ingredient of French Onion Soup?

Cheese isn’t just an afterthought in French Onion Soup; it’s the secret ingredient that transforms this classic dish into a culinary masterpiece. Here’s why cheese is the unsung hero, the magic touch that elevates the soup from good to extraordinary:

Texture and creaminess

Firstly, cheese introduces a luxurious, creamy texture to the soup. As it melts, it melds with the savoury broth and caramelised onions, creating a velvety consistency that’s both comforting and indulgent. Each spoonful becomes a delightful play of smooth and gooey.

Flavour enhancement

Moreover, the nuanced flavours of different cheeses add depth and complexity to the soup. Whichever cheese you choose will bring its unique profile, enhancing the overall taste experience. It’s not just about richness; it’s about a symphony of flavours working in harmony.

Gooey goodness

Picture that irresistible stretch of melted cheese as you lift a spoonful of French Onion Soup. It’s not just about taste; it’s a multisensory experience. The gooey strands of cheese create a mouth-watering display that adds an extra layer of excitement to each bite.

Balancing sweet and savoury

While caramelised onions lend a natural sweetness to the soup, the right cheese acts as the perfect counterbalance. The salty notes of certain cheeses cut through the sweetness, creating a harmonious equilibrium that keeps your taste buds dancing.

Crust creation

Let’s not forget the iconic cheesy crust that crowns a well-made French Onion Soup. The cheese, perfectly broiled, forms a golden, crispy layer that seals in the flavours beneath. It’s not just a topping; it’s the grand finale, the crescendo that completes the culinary symphony.

In essence, cheese in French Onion Soup isn’t just an add-on; it’s an essential component that transforms a simple soup into a gourmet experience. It brings together textures, flavours and aesthetic, creating a dish that’s as pleasing to the eyes as it is to the palate.

How to choose the perfect cheese(s) for French Onion Soup

Selecting the right cheese for your French Onion Soup can be a game-changer. Here are some tips to help you pick the ideal cheese(s) for the job:

Focus on meltability

Look for cheeses that boast excellent meltability. A great choice will create that satisfying, gooey stretch as your spoon dips into the soup.

Flavour harmony is key

Consider the flavour profile of the cheese. Some options offer nuttiness, others a hint of fruitiness, and some provide a mild, nutty undertone. Ensure the cheese enhances the overall taste without overpowering it.

Embrace blends for depth and complexity

Don’t hesitate to experiment with cheese blends. Mixing different varieties can create a more intricate and interesting flavour palette. Try combining different varieties to find your perfect balance.

Consider cheese age

The age of the cheese matters. Aged cheeses bring a more robust umami flavour, while younger cheeses may offer a milder taste. Adjust based on your preference for flavour intensity.

Texture matters for toppings

If you plan to use cheese for a crispy topping or crust, select a cheese that forms a golden, crispy layer when broiled. Some cheeses work exceptionally well for achieving that delectable cheesy crust.

Dare to be different

Look beyond the classics. Explore local or artisanal cheeses for a unique twist. A spicy or smoky option might surprise you with how well it complements the soup.

Freshness is crucial

Always choose freshly grated cheese rather than pre-shredded varieties. Freshly grated cheese tends to melt more smoothly and avoids any additives that can affect the texture.

Ultimately, rely on your taste buds. If you enjoy the cheese on its own, it’s likely to enhance your French Onion Soup experience. Get creative and find your perfect cheesy match in the next section!

15 Best Cheeses for French Onion Soup

Now that we’ve got the basics out of the way, let’s launch into the best cheeses for this classic French soup. Each cheese we have chosen brings its unique melody to create a symphony of aroma, texture and taste to your soup.

1. Gruyère: The classic choice

Known for its nutty and slightly sweet notes, Gruyère is the quintessential choice for French Onion Soup. Its exceptional meltability creates that irresistible stretch, making each spoonful a delightful experience. 

2. Comté

Enter Comté, the cool cousin of Gruyère. With nutty and fruity undertones, Comté adds a layer of sophistication to your soup. Watch it gracefully melt, turning your French Onion Soup into a masterpiece.

3. Abondance

Staying in the French Alps, we find Abondance, a raw milk cheese with a wild barnyardy aroma profile. Its distinctive taste and melt-in-the-pot goodness make it a delightful addition to your French Onion Soup. Prepare to be transported to the mountains of Haute-Savoie with each spoonful.

4. Mimolette

Next, we have Mimolette, a French cheese with a nutty and sweet character. Its distinct orange hue and smooth texture make it a delightful addition to your soup, adding a splash of colour to the dish.

5. Emmentaler

Next, we have the quintessential Swiss cheese with large holes, Emmentaler. This iconic mountain cheese joins the line-up with its nutty and mild flavour. Besides, its exceptional meltability contribute to the soup’s overall harmony.  

6. Vacherin Fribourgeois

Also from the Swiss Alps, Vacherin Fribourgeois is a mountain cheese known for its creamy texture and nutty flavour. Its melt-in-the-mouth goodness contributes to the luscious consistency of your French Onion Soup, adding a delightful Swiss touch.

7. Cheddar

Take a bold step across the Channel with Cheddar, known for its iconic tang. Its robust flavour adds a kick to the soup, creating a dynamic contrast with the sweetness of caramelised onions.

8. Smoked Gouda

Elevate your soup with smoked Gouda. The smoky notes infuse a tantalising aroma, turning each spoonful into a savoury journey. Undoubtedly, the richness of smoked Gouda complements the caramelised onions beautifully.

9. Mozzarella

We simply cannot give you a list of melting cheeses without Mozzarella, the stringy perfection that enhances the gooey texture of your French Onion Soup. Its milky flavour and exceptional meltability make it a classic choice for a comforting bowl.

10. Fontina

Another classic Italian melted is Fontina, a cheese known for its creamy texture. Its melt-in-your-mouth goodness adds a comforting element to the soup, making each bite a luxurious experience.

11. Parmigiano Reggiano

Parmigiano Reggiano, the King of Italian cheese, adds an umami depth to your French Onion Soup. Whether grated or melted, its rich flavour profile enhances the overall taste, creating a symphony of flavours on your taste buds.

12. Provolone Dolce

Staying in Italy, say “Ciao!” to Provolone Dolce, the Italian champion of meltability. Its mild flavour and smooth texture make it a versatile addition to French Onion Soup, ensuring a velvety consistency and delightful cheesy goodness.

13. Gorgonzola

Add a touch of blue flair with Gorgonzola. Its creamy texture and tangy flavour bring a unique dimension to your French Onion Soup. The blue veins create pockets of intense taste, elevating the entire experience.

You can use any type of Gorgonzola here, but our tip is to get Gorgonzola Dolce for better melt.

14. Pepper Jack

Let’s now venture into the unorthodox and highly controversial.

Ignite your taste buds with the fiery kick of Pepper Jack. This spicy cheese adds a sizzling twist to your French Onion Soup, turning up the heat with every mouthful. Brace yourself for a flavour inferno!

15. Goat Gouda

Finally, diversify your cheese selection with Goat Gouda. This variation of the classic Dutch cheese, made with goat’s milk, offers a salted caramel profile that complements the richness of French Onion Soup, adding a velvety texture to each bite.

Feel free to mix and match these great cheeses on your onion soup to create a party in your mouth!


In the world of French Onion Soup, the possibilities are as endless as the varieties of cheese you can choose. Whether you opt for the classic Gruyère or take a daring leap into the world of outrageous choices, one thing remains certain – cheese is the star of the show.

As you embark on your culinary adventure, don’t hesitate to experiment and find your perfect cheese combination. Each option, from the tangy elegance of goat cheese to the fiery kick of Pepper Jack, brings a unique note to the pot, transforming a humble soup into a gourmet masterpiece.

So, gather your favourite cheeses, stir in the creativity and let the magic unfold in your kitchen. With the right blend, your French Onion Soup will not only warm your soul but excite your taste buds in a symphony of cheesy goodness.

“À la cuisine!”

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